Monday, May 28, 2012

Outside the box

Something I have been thinking about the last several days. I think it's time to make a federal law to get rid of all the little boxes checking what "race" we are. We are a country that loves stats. We count everything and measure this against that. Has this really helped us? I say it's time to completely stop tracking what each race does and focus on "Americans". The more we keep dividing and counting the worse it seems to get. If we truly want to be color blind then let's start with elimiating the ridiculous box checking that every form seems to have on it. As we become more of a melting pot this practice of labeling each other just seems silly and counter productive. If a school is doing poorly then lets focus on what that school needs rather than the color of the students. If our country would stop hyphenating and start being one it was intended to be, we would be a whole bunch better off. I say it's time to stop checking boxes and start being Americans.

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